My Childhood....

Now let me get to the point that prompted me to write this account, the foremost one being, who on this earth would love to hear the ‘Quack Quack Quack’ of an ordinary girl because I want to talk about almost nothing, the mere everyday incidents that occurred when I was small and how I felt about them then.
But every second of my childhood is so special to me that I want to inscribe those memories on something that can withstand the test of time. And I know even after ages, I can find my stories from beginning to the end in the heart of a friend. So my writings are dedicated to all those beloved people of my fantasy who will love to share and cherish my memories in their heart, as much as I do in mine.
Here goes the Chatterbox..Ready Get Set Go!!
Since none of you will be able to get a word of what I am saying if I plunge right in. I better provide a brief sketch of my life, which is something I find quite uninteresting to do. Yet here I go.
I am a native Indian, born in India and brought up in Bhutan. One can envisage my home as a rare girl’s hostel having a male warden i.e. my father. I am blessed with loving parents-the most adorable father I have ever seen and a virtuosic and mesmerizingly beautiful mother. Two charming siblings- Fauzia and Shaista.
Fauzia ‘appi’ which means  elder sister is just an year older to me but much more sensible .She is a research scholar at University of Delhi and the most caring elder sister anyone would ever have, an obedient daughter, a sincere student, a real beauty, smart and bold and overall an ideal girl and yeah how can I forget an ardent feminist she is. At times I wish I could call her ‘Lady Hitler’:-D
Shaista..oh this girl!!She is three years younger to me and the ‘James Watt’ of the family- prefers distance from books and always keeps up with seemingly dotty practicals. She is the zippiest and the zestiest creature amongst three of us. She always has alien ways of doing things yet can beguile anyone by her style. Besides all these she is perusing graduation from Miranda House, University of Delhi, the best NCC cadet of DU, I bet, and these days she is busy polishing her proficiency of  French language. Well,I am afraid she might be better off with French than with Hindi, if she goes on with this enthusiasm. This loquacious and affable girl is the lucky charm of the whole family.
Appi and Shaista were the two people, most instrumental in building these memories. Together we spent good times, bad times; delightful times, somber times; naughty and playful times, blue times as well, till my 10th standard when I left to study at Aligarh Muslim University’s  Senior Secondary School. Two years later Appi too departed to study at DU and then Shaista followed her after completing her 12th standard. Days passed on like cascading water  and since then we come up with only a very short span of  time to spend together and have  got just  memories to reminisce and smile upon.
By God’s grace i never feel alone in life because I’m surrounded by a pack of goofy friends. I’ll tell their names in alphabetical priority else they won’t spare to slay me- Arun, Arunima di, Divya, Farha, Pema Dechan, Prateek, Saksham, Sonal, Suraj, Swati Swapnil, Swati di, Tashi Deki .It’s a long list and each one is zany of a unique type. Near or far, these are the people who keep me smiling, they are my life. :-)
Apart from these there are some irksome people who need special mention in my blog because they unfailingly remember me everyday. I call them IPi  which stands for ‘Idiot Part i’, and ‘i’ is a variable which ranges from 1 to infinity. Well I’m talking about ‘The Admirers!! Who are pretty much of a pest.
My father is professor at Royal University of Bhutan and is more like a friend to us than a father. After my birth, when I was barely of six months my mother took me to Bhutan. We had been visiting India in the 2months long winter break we had every year. We spent the best days of our life there until the year 2000, when dad shifted three of us along with mom to India so that we could get accustomed to our own culture, perhaps because he admired the Indian culture, tradition and language more than any other and felt a sense of belongingness towards his mother land. All credits to him that even three of us are great patriots of Mother India. But life out here was entirely different and a great scramble.
Now  living for a  decade in India, has brought a solid revolution in me because India made an independent  and  cultured lady out of me, but still the roots of my foundation lies in Bhutan , my mind is tranced by the ravines ,rainbows and clouds of the country of my childhood. .I often cry out,O Imagination! Bring back that period. O Vicissitudes of Time speed backwards’.
Huuhhh!!..That is I suppose, more of an elaborate sketch of my life rather than a brief one. Most people take me to be very quite by nature but alas! They are deceived. I am an epitome of a chatterbox by birth. You see, talking is a female trait and I would never be able to break myself off this habit because my mother also talks as much as I do and there is not much you can do of inherited traits. Moreover at times I am proud to be ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’,  it makes me a stark female.